72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike ebike Battery 72V with Charger,BMS Lithium Battery 72V Battery Pack use 26650 5000mah cell Features: - Long lifespan cycle times: 1,000 - No memory effect - Nontoxic, environmental friendly - One year quality warranty - Typical voltage: 72V - Nominal capacity: 20Ah - Charging current: 2A (0.2C)/3A/5A - Charging time: 10 /7/4hours - Maximum continuous discharge current: 40A (2.0C) -Maximum peak discharge current :120A -Fit moto power :Less 2500W - Dimensions: 120*140*285MM - Charging end voltage: 84.0V - Discharge cut off voltage:60.0V - Working temperature range: -20 to 60°c - Storage temperature: -20 to 50°c - Internal resistance: <150ohm -="" 2000w="" 20ah="" 2a="" 48v="" 72v="" aluminium="" and="" battery="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" case="" charger="" ebike="" electric="" fixing="" for="" included.="" includes="" ion="" is="" key="" kit="" lifecycle="" lithium="" of="" pack:="" plate="" scooter="" the="" weight:8kg="" whole="" with="">85% capacity after 800 cycles. Lifecycle of single cell: >85% capacity after 1200 cycles, >70% capacity after 2000 cycles. (<1c -="" 1.="" 10.="" 100-240v="" 1000="" 100="" 11.="" 12.="" 15="" 2.0a="" 2.="" 20ah="" 240v="" 2500w="" 250="" 2="" 3.="" 4.="" 5.="" 50="" 6.="" 7.="" 72v="" 7="" 7days="" 8.="" 800="" 84.0v="" 9.="" :="" a="" about="" according="" achieving="" acid="" addition="" advantage="" advantages:="" aerospace="" after="" aircraft="" aliexpress="" all="" alloy="" almost="" alt="Top SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS 0" aluminum="" an="" and="" andevery="" answerany="" anti-over="" anti-overload="" anti-short="" any="" appearance="" applications.="" applications:="" applications="" applying="" aqueous="" are="" as="" asap="" assembly="" automotive="" available="" balance="" batteries="" battery.="" battery="" batterysupplier="" be="" been="" before="" best="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" board="" boat="" brand="" built-in="" bulk="" bus="" business="" buy="" by.="" by="" cadmium="" can="" capacity="" car="" care="" cars="" case="" cc="" ce="" cells="" certifications="" charge="" charger:="" charger="" charging="" check="" chemistry="" china="" chips="" circuit="" class="img-fluid" cleanness="" cleared="" commercial="" committed="" commix="" common="" companyhas="" comparison="" compeletly="" compliant="" compose="" concerns="" configurations="" connect="" connecting="" connector:="" connectors="" consistency="" consumer="" contact="" contacting="" control="" cool="" correct="" cost-performance="" could="" countries="" current="" customers.="" customized="" cycle="" cycles="" days.="" days="" daysafter="" dc="" defense="" demanded="" density.="" density="" design="" develop="" devices="" directly="" discard="" discharge="" do="" does="" don="" drill="" dry="" dual="" due="" e-bike="" e-scooter="" e="" eedback="" effect="" effects="" electric="" electrical="" electrodes="" electronics.="" electronics="" emergency="" ems:item="" ems="" energy-to-weight="" energy="" environment="" equipment="" equivalent="" etc.="" every="" everything="" experience="" explodes="" extends="" f="" facilities="" factory="" fast="" fedex="" feedback="" fire="" flat="" for="" forklift="" free:="" free="" friendly.="" friendly="" from="" full="" function="" generation="" genuine="" gets="" golf="" good="" grade="" green="" growing="" guarantee="" hairpins="" has="" have="" heat="" heater.="" heater="" hesitate="" high="" hydride="" ic="" if="" img="" immerse="" in="" included:="" includes:="" industrial="" injection="" input="" instock.="" ion="" ions.="" is="" iso14001:2004="" iso9001:2001="" iso9001="" it="" item="" items="" its="" keep="" key="" kinds="" lamp="" large-scale="" large="" lawn="" lead="" leave="" left="" level="" li-ion="" li-ionbattery="" life:="" life="" light="" lighter.="" lighter="" lights="" lithium-ion="" lithium="" long="" loss="" maintenance="" make="" management="" manner="" manufacturer="" matter="" means="" medical="" memory="" message="" metal="" military="" mind="" miners="" mode:="" month="" more="" most="" motor:="" movement="" mower="" much="" nail="" near="" necklaces="" need="" negative="" neutral="" never="" new="" ni-cd="" ni-mh="" nickel="" no="" not="" objects.="" objects="" obtained="" oem="" of="" often="" on.the="" on="" once="" one="" only="" open="" or="" orders="" other="" others:="" our="" ourcustomer="" outlet.="" output="" overcharge="" pack="" packs="" parameters="" parts="" passed="" payment="" peace="" perfect="" performance="" pierce="" platform="" please="" pls="" plug="" plugs="" plus="" pollution-free="" popular="" popularity="" portable="" position="" positive="" possible.="" possible="" power.="" power="" powerco.="" presale="" price="" primary="" problem.="" problem="" problems="" process="" procession="" produce="" product="" production="" products="" professional="" professionalbattery="" protection="" provides="" purchase.="" purchase="" purpose="" pvc="" quality.="" quality:="" quality="" quantity="" question="" questions="" range="" rate="" ratio="" ratios="" reach="" real="" reason="" received.="" received="" rechargeable="" recharges="" recharging.="" refund="" registered.="" reliable="" remote="" replacement="" reply="" resistance="" resolution.="" resolve="" reverse="" rohs="" safe="" sale.="" satisfaction.="" satisfaction="" saw="" scientificmanagement="" scooter="" seawater="" secondary="" self="" send="" service="" several="" sharp="" shell="" ship="" shipped="" shipping="" short-circuit="" should="" sigma="" simplifying="" single="" six="" size="" slow="" small-scale="" small="" smanufacturing="" so="" solar="" solder="" soon="" source="" specifically="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1OPANJVXXXXa4XFXXq6xXFXXXp/111511518/HTB1OPANJVXXXXa4XFXXq6xXFXXXp.jpg?size=100739&height=1000&width=1000&hash=7cd3649e0a7ed3ee2f0bfd0fafb43d81" stable.="" stands="" still="" storage="" store="" stored="" strike="" strive="" structure="" such="" suggested.="" super="" superior="" sure="" surrounding="" system="" t="" tags="" tdis="" technology="" terminals.="" terminals="" tested="" testing.="" testing="" than="" that="" the="" their="" there="" these="" they="" through="" throw="" time.="" time="" timely="" times="" title="Top SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS 0" tnt:item="" tnt="" to2500="" to="" together="" tolerance="" tool:="" tools="" total="" tourist="" toys="" trample="" transaction="" transport="" transportation="" type:="" type="" types="" uitable="" ultra="" un="" up="" ups="" us.="" us="" use.="" use="" uses="" using="" vehicles:="" voltage="" warning="" warnings:="" water="" watt="" wattage="" we="" weight="" wheelchairs="" when="" where="" will="" willing="" wind="" with="" within2-4="" within4="" within6="" work="" working="" wrong="" you="" your="" zone="">1c>150ohm>
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS
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72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike ebike Battery 72V with Charger,BMS Lithium Battery 72V Battery Pack use 26650 5000mah cell Features: - Long lifespan cycle times: 1,000 - No memory effect - Nontoxic, environmental friendly - One year quality warranty - Typical voltage: 72V - Nominal capacity: 20Ah - Charging current: 2A (0.2C)/3A/5A - Charging time: 10 /7/4hours - Maximum continuous discharge current: 40A (2.0C) -Maximum peak discharge current :120A -Fit moto power :Less 2500W - Dimensions: 120*140*285MM - Charging end voltage: 84.0V - Discharge cut off voltage:60.0V - Working temperature range: -20 to 60°c - Storage temperature: -20 to 50°c - Internal resistance: <150ohm -="" 2000w="" 20ah="" 2a="" 48v="" 72v="" aluminium="" and="" battery="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" case="" charger="" ebike="" electric="" fixing="" for="" included.="" includes="" ion="" is="" key="" kit="" lifecycle="" lithium="" of="" pack:="" plate="" scooter="" the="" weight:8kg="" whole="" with="">85% capacity after 800 cycles. Lifecycle of single cell: >85% capacity after 1200 cycles, >70% capacity after 2000 cycles. (<1c -="" 1.="" 10.="" 100-240v="" 1000="" 100="" 11.="" 12.="" 15="" 2.0a="" 2.="" 20ah="" 240v="" 2500w="" 250="" 2="" 3.="" 4.="" 5.="" 50="" 6.="" 7.="" 72v="" 7="" 7days="" 8.="" 800="" 84.0v="" 9.="" :="" a="" about="" according="" achieving="" acid="" addition="" advantage="" advantages:="" aerospace="" after="" aircraft="" aliexpress="" all="" alloy="" almost="" alt="Top SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS 0" aluminum="" an="" and="" andevery="" answerany="" anti-over="" anti-overload="" anti-short="" any="" appearance="" applications.="" applications:="" applications="" applying="" aqueous="" are="" as="" asap="" assembly="" automotive="" available="" balance="" batteries="" battery.="" battery="" batterysupplier="" be="" been="" before="" best="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" board="" boat="" brand="" built-in="" bulk="" bus="" business="" buy="" by.="" by="" cadmium="" can="" capacity="" car="" care="" cars="" case="" cc="" ce="" cells="" certifications="" charge="" charger:="" charger="" charging="" check="" chemistry="" china="" chips="" circuit="" class="img-fluid" cleanness="" cleared="" commercial="" committed="" commix="" common="" companyhas="" comparison="" compeletly="" compliant="" compose="" concerns="" configurations="" connect="" connecting="" connector:="" connectors="" consistency="" consumer="" contact="" contacting="" control="" cool="" correct="" cost-performance="" could="" countries="" current="" customers.="" customized="" cycle="" cycles="" days.="" days="" daysafter="" dc="" defense="" demanded="" density.="" density="" design="" develop="" devices="" directly="" discard="" discharge="" do="" does="" don="" drill="" dry="" dual="" due="" e-bike="" e-scooter="" e="" eedback="" effect="" effects="" electric="" electrical="" electrodes="" electronics.="" electronics="" emergency="" ems:item="" ems="" energy-to-weight="" energy="" environment="" equipment="" equivalent="" etc.="" every="" everything="" experience="" explodes="" extends="" f="" facilities="" factory="" fast="" fedex="" feedback="" fire="" flat="" for="" forklift="" free:="" free="" friendly.="" friendly="" from="" full="" function="" generation="" genuine="" gets="" golf="" good="" grade="" green="" growing="" guarantee="" hairpins="" has="" have="" heat="" heater.="" heater="" hesitate="" high="" hydride="" ic="" if="" img="" immerse="" in="" included:="" includes:="" industrial="" injection="" input="" instock.="" ion="" ions.="" is="" iso14001:2004="" iso9001:2001="" iso9001="" it="" item="" items="" its="" keep="" key="" kinds="" lamp="" large-scale="" large="" lawn="" lead="" leave="" left="" level="" li-ion="" li-ionbattery="" life:="" life="" light="" lighter.="" lighter="" lights="" lithium-ion="" lithium="" long="" loss="" maintenance="" make="" management="" manner="" manufacturer="" matter="" means="" medical="" memory="" message="" metal="" military="" mind="" miners="" mode:="" month="" more="" most="" motor:="" movement="" mower="" much="" nail="" near="" necklaces="" need="" negative="" neutral="" never="" new="" ni-cd="" ni-mh="" nickel="" no="" not="" objects.="" objects="" obtained="" oem="" of="" often="" on.the="" on="" once="" one="" only="" open="" or="" orders="" other="" others:="" our="" ourcustomer="" outlet.="" output="" overcharge="" pack="" packs="" parameters="" parts="" passed="" payment="" peace="" perfect="" performance="" pierce="" platform="" please="" pls="" plug="" plugs="" plus="" pollution-free="" popular="" popularity="" portable="" position="" positive="" possible.="" possible="" power.="" power="" powerco.="" presale="" price="" primary="" problem.="" problem="" problems="" process="" procession="" produce="" product="" production="" products="" professional="" professionalbattery="" protection="" provides="" purchase.="" purchase="" purpose="" pvc="" quality.="" quality:="" quality="" quantity="" question="" questions="" range="" rate="" ratio="" ratios="" reach="" real="" reason="" received.="" received="" rechargeable="" recharges="" recharging.="" refund="" registered.="" reliable="" remote="" replacement="" reply="" resistance="" resolution.="" resolve="" reverse="" rohs="" safe="" sale.="" satisfaction.="" satisfaction="" saw="" scientificmanagement="" scooter="" seawater="" secondary="" self="" send="" service="" several="" sharp="" shell="" ship="" shipped="" shipping="" short-circuit="" should="" sigma="" simplifying="" single="" six="" size="" slow="" small-scale="" small="" smanufacturing="" so="" solar="" solder="" soon="" source="" specifically="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1OPANJVXXXXa4XFXXq6xXFXXXp/111511518/HTB1OPANJVXXXXa4XFXXq6xXFXXXp.jpg?size=100739&height=1000&width=1000&hash=7cd3649e0a7ed3ee2f0bfd0fafb43d81" stable.="" stands="" still="" storage="" store="" stored="" strike="" strive="" structure="" such="" suggested.="" super="" superior="" sure="" surrounding="" system="" t="" tags="" tdis="" technology="" terminals.="" terminals="" tested="" testing.="" testing="" than="" that="" the="" their="" there="" these="" they="" through="" throw="" time.="" time="" timely="" times="" title="Top SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS 0" tnt:item="" tnt="" to2500="" to="" together="" tolerance="" tool:="" tools="" total="" tourist="" toys="" trample="" transaction="" transport="" transportation="" type:="" type="" types="" uitable="" ultra="" un="" up="" ups="" us.="" us="" use.="" use="" uses="" using="" vehicles:="" voltage="" warning="" warnings:="" water="" watt="" wattage="" we="" weight="" wheelchairs="" when="" where="" will="" willing="" wind="" with="" within2-4="" within4="" within6="" work="" working="" wrong="" you="" your="" zone="">1c>150ohm>
72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike ebike Battery 72V with Charger,BMS Lithium Battery 72V Battery Pack use 26650 5000mah cell Features: - Long lifespan cycle times: 1,000 - No memory effect - Nontoxic, environmental friendly - One year quality warranty - Typical voltage: 72V - Nominal capacity: 20Ah - Charging current: 2A (0.2C)/3A/5A - Charging time: 10 /7/4hours - Maximum continuous discharge current: 40A (2.0C) -Maximum peak discharge current :120A -Fit moto power :Less 2500W - Dimensions: 120*140*285MM - Charging end voltage: 84.0V - Discharge cut off voltage:60.0V - Working temperature range: -20 to 60°c - Storage temperature: -20 to 50°c - Internal resistance: <150ohm -="" 2000w="" 20ah="" 2a="" 48v="" 72v="" aluminium="" and="" battery="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" case="" charger="" ebike="" electric="" fixing="" for="" included.="" includes="" ion="" is="" key="" kit="" lifecycle="" lithium="" of="" pack:="" plate="" scooter="" the="" weight:8kg="" whole="" with="">85% capacity after 800 cycles. Lifecycle of single cell: >85% capacity after 1200 cycles, >70% capacity after 2000 cycles. (<1c -="" 1.="" 10.="" 100-240v="" 1000="" 100="" 11.="" 12.="" 15="" 2.0a="" 2.="" 20ah="" 240v="" 2500w="" 250="" 2="" 3.="" 4.="" 5.="" 50="" 6.="" 7.="" 72v="" 7="" 7days="" 8.="" 800="" 84.0v="" 9.="" :="" a="" about="" according="" achieving="" acid="" addition="" advantage="" advantages:="" aerospace="" after="" aircraft="" aliexpress="" all="" alloy="" almost="" alt="Top SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS 0" aluminum="" an="" and="" andevery="" answerany="" anti-over="" anti-overload="" anti-short="" any="" appearance="" applications.="" applications:="" applications="" applying="" aqueous="" are="" as="" asap="" assembly="" automotive="" available="" balance="" batteries="" battery.="" battery="" batterysupplier="" be="" been="" before="" best="" bicycle="" bike="" bms="" board="" boat="" brand="" built-in="" bulk="" bus="" business="" buy="" by.="" by="" cadmium="" can="" capacity="" car="" care="" cars="" case="" cc="" ce="" cells="" certifications="" charge="" charger:="" charger="" charging="" check="" chemistry="" china="" chips="" circuit="" class="img-fluid" cleanness="" cleared="" commercial="" committed="" commix="" common="" companyhas="" comparison="" compeletly="" compliant="" compose="" concerns="" configurations="" connect="" connecting="" connector:="" connectors="" consistency="" consumer="" contact="" contacting="" control="" cool="" correct="" cost-performance="" could="" countries="" current="" customers.="" customized="" cycle="" cycles="" days.="" days="" daysafter="" dc="" defense="" demanded="" density.="" density="" design="" develop="" devices="" directly="" discard="" discharge="" do="" does="" don="" drill="" dry="" dual="" due="" e-bike="" e-scooter="" e="" eedback="" effect="" effects="" electric="" electrical="" electrodes="" electronics.="" electronics="" emergency="" ems:item="" ems="" energy-to-weight="" energy="" environment="" equipment="" equivalent="" etc.="" every="" everything="" experience="" explodes="" extends="" f="" facilities="" factory="" fast="" fedex="" feedback="" fire="" flat="" for="" forklift="" free:="" free="" friendly.="" friendly="" from="" full="" function="" generation="" genuine="" gets="" golf="" good="" grade="" green="" growing="" guarantee="" hairpins="" has="" have="" heat="" heater.="" heater="" hesitate="" high="" hydride="" ic="" if="" img="" immerse="" in="" included:="" includes:="" industrial="" injection="" input="" instock.="" ion="" ions.="" is="" iso14001:2004="" iso9001:2001="" iso9001="" it="" item="" items="" its="" keep="" key="" kinds="" lamp="" large-scale="" large="" lawn="" lead="" leave="" left="" level="" li-ion="" li-ionbattery="" life:="" life="" light="" lighter.="" lighter="" lights="" lithium-ion="" lithium="" long="" loss="" maintenance="" make="" management="" manner="" manufacturer="" matter="" means="" medical="" memory="" message="" metal="" military="" mind="" miners="" mode:="" month="" more="" most="" motor:="" movement="" mower="" much="" nail="" near="" necklaces="" need="" negative="" neutral="" never="" new="" ni-cd="" ni-mh="" nickel="" no="" not="" objects.="" objects="" obtained="" oem="" of="" often="" on.the="" on="" once="" one="" only="" open="" or="" orders="" other="" others:="" our="" ourcustomer="" outlet.="" output="" overcharge="" pack="" packs="" parameters="" parts="" passed="" payment="" peace="" perfect="" performance="" pierce="" platform="" please="" pls="" plug="" plugs="" plus="" pollution-free="" popular="" popularity="" portable="" position="" positive="" possible.="" possible="" power.="" power="" powerco.="" presale="" price="" primary="" problem.="" problem="" problems="" process="" procession="" produce="" product="" production="" products="" professional="" professionalbattery="" protection="" provides="" purchase.="" purchase="" purpose="" pvc="" quality.="" quality:="" quality="" quantity="" question="" questions="" range="" rate="" ratio="" ratios="" reach="" real="" reason="" received.="" received="" rechargeable="" recharges="" recharging.="" refund="" registered.="" reliable="" remote="" replacement="" reply="" resistance="" resolution.="" resolve="" reverse="" rohs="" safe="" sale.="" satisfaction.="" satisfaction="" saw="" scientificmanagement="" scooter="" seawater="" secondary="" self="" send="" service="" several="" sharp="" shell="" ship="" shipped="" shipping="" short-circuit="" should="" sigma="" simplifying="" single="" six="" size="" slow="" small-scale="" small="" smanufacturing="" so="" solar="" solder="" soon="" source="" specifically="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1OPANJVXXXXa4XFXXq6xXFXXXp/111511518/HTB1OPANJVXXXXa4XFXXq6xXFXXXp.jpg?size=100739&height=1000&width=1000&hash=7cd3649e0a7ed3ee2f0bfd0fafb43d81" stable.="" stands="" still="" storage="" store="" stored="" strike="" strive="" structure="" such="" suggested.="" super="" superior="" sure="" surrounding="" system="" t="" tags="" tdis="" technology="" terminals.="" terminals="" tested="" testing.="" testing="" than="" that="" the="" their="" there="" these="" they="" through="" throw="" time.="" time="" timely="" times="" title="Top SWORDS FOX 72v 20Ah 2500W Electric Bike Battery 72V Battery pack 3.7V 5AH 26650 Cell 40A BMS 0" tnt:item="" tnt="" to2500="" to="" together="" tolerance="" tool:="" tools="" total="" tourist="" toys="" trample="" transaction="" transport="" transportation="" type:="" type="" types="" uitable="" ultra="" un="" up="" ups="" us.="" us="" use.="" use="" uses="" using="" vehicles:="" voltage="" warning="" warnings:="" water="" watt="" wattage="" we="" weight="" wheelchairs="" when="" where="" will="" willing="" wind="" with="" within2-4="" within4="" within6="" work="" working="" wrong="" you="" your="" zone="">1c>150ohm>
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